Can HPV Be Cleared Naturally?

Can HPV Be Cleared Naturally?

Here’s a spoiler. Over the past six years, after working with hundreds of women to clear HPV naturally, I can draw on my own first-hand experience and say YES. You can.

You’re probably used to long blog posts that take forever to get to the point. (I think we can all agree that 99% of blogs are way too long) I’m not going to make you wait for the morsel of hope that you were looking for when you clicked on this title.

If you're wondering how to clear HPV naturally, you've come to the right place.

You might be like the thousands of women (and quite a few men) who have found my podcast, instagram page or website who are literally desperate for answers. Being newly diagnosed HPV+ or perhaps you’ve known for a while but it didn’t “just go away” like your doc said it would. You don’t need any more time freaking out. (I hear that term all the time)

Either way, I’m here to deliver a message of encouragement to you, no matter what your doctor told you.

This blog is not meant to slam doctors— some of my best friends are docs. Which means I am intimately aware of what is and is not taught in medical school. They’ve told me. I’m also a believer that most doctors go into medical school because they want to make a difference, they want to help people. I truly believe that.

The sad truth is that while our medical system is super solid at acute care, emergency medicine, diagnostics, surgery and prescribing medication…What they are not so solid at is answering the question that you probably had when you were given a positive screen for HPV:

“How do I actually heal? What can I do?”

If you did ask this question, you likely got an answer something like, “Just try to be healthy and don’t smoke. Come back in a year and we’ll test again.”

Not so helpful, huh? Gee, thanks doc.

You might have gone straight to “Dr. Google” after your docs lack luster advice. (This can be alarming, confusing and not all that helpful…unless it led you to this blog)

Guiding women in answering this question for real has become one of my primary purposes in life. And with 14 million new cases of HPV diagnosed in the United States every year, this work could and will probably last the rest of my days. As a registered dental hygienist, culinary nutrition expert & women’s health advocate, helping people prevent disease is in my DNA.

Why Immune System Support is Key to Clearing HPV

Back to you...Is there anything YOU can you do?

Here’s a fun fact: 100% of people who have cleared HPV have their immune system to thank. That’s the “cure.” You! Your immune cells. No shot, procedure or doc is going to heal you. YOU heal YOU.

So if the immune system is the key, why are we not starting there? Supporting the immune system in every way possible?

Well, WE do.

The CLEAR + FREE Protocol: Your Natural Solution

After years of supporting women on this journey, I’m thrilled to have joined forces with Dr. Nathan Riley double board certified holistic OBGYN, to guide women (and their partners) all over the world in supporting their immune system in a profound way so that they can celebrate a negative HPV test as fast as possible.

No matter the strain of HPV.

This life-changing, tried and true protocol is called CLEAR + FREE.

Your holistic solution to clearing HPV naturally.

We provide a roadmap for you, so you can feel confident that you are doing everything in your power to support your body in the way she needs. CLEAR + FREE offers a natural HPV treatment solution that works.

Every time those negative looping thoughts bombard their way into your head— the what ifs, the unknown, the anxiety…You can literally respond (to yourself) with, “No, I’m right where I need to be. Working with two professionals who have helped hundreds of people clear HPV, supported by a community of women who are navigating all the same things. I am healing. I’m doing the damn thing.”

Despite what your doc or the internet might say, clearing HPV is not complicated. We simply need to optimize your immune system and support your body’s own innate ability to heal itself. It’s really that simple.

If you're curious about the full details of the program, you can watch this episode of our video podcast (The Medicin Podcast) where we break it all down.

Real Success Stories: How Women Cleared HPV Naturally

You can do this. And if you need a little extra convincing, read the real life testimonials from women we’ve worked with:

GUESS WHAT MIMI!!! I am now HPV FREE! Currently shedding happy tears. Naturally you are the first person I wanted to tell, WE did it! Thank you for supporting me, inspiring me and coaching me through this process. I’ve been envisioning sending this happy message to you for some time and now I can, it is my reality!
— M.B.
I just wanted to let you know, that after 11 years of high risk HPV, I just tested negative! I have you to thank for all the knowledge and tools you gave me to help my body heal and clear. Thank you, so much!
— K.L.
I was diagnosed with high risk HPV 16 & 18 at the end of 2020 and was SHAMED by my gynecologist. I left the office in tears. After 3 abnormal pap smears, I decided to work with you. After 3 months I just received news that I am HPV FREE. And I am now worry-free.
— A.S.

If you’re thinking, “Hell yes, I’m ready for some professional support and guidance! What is the next step?”

The next step is scheduling a free call with us to make sure that it’s a good fit and give you a few more details, and answer any questions about the protocol you may have.

Ready to take control of your health and clear HPV naturally? Book your free consultation call today and get started on the CLEAR + FREE path to healing! We are stoked to help you through this process and celebrate a negative HPV screen with you sooner.

And no, this not photoshopped. We are actually THIS excited to help you! :)




FAQs on Immune Intel AHCC®: Natural Immune Support for HPV, Cancer, Autoimmune Health, and More


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