Our Digital Medicin Cabinet
We are providing you an extensive and ever-expanding list of the supplements, superfoods + tools to help you orient yourself toward a holistically healthy life experience.
We believe that real health is an interactive journey, not a destination;
it comes with curious discovery and active participation from us as humans, consumers and integral players in nature.
We’re bringing you only the best and only what has made a real difference in our lives.
cheers + love!
Immune Intel AHCC®
Our private label functional food supplement cultured from the mycelium (roots) of Shiitake mushrooms.
AHCC® helps educate + regulate the immune system (not just boost or suppress). It does this by increasing the number of immune cells + improving their communication and overall intelligence.
2 caps/day for general health
4 caps/day for systemic conditions or while traveling
If you want to dive deeper into Immune Intel AHCC®, listen to episode 3 + episode 45 + episode 229 of The Medicin Podcast.
AHCC® stands for Active Hexose Correlated Compound and is a patented, cultured mycelial product made from Shiitake mushrooms - literally categorized as a functional food. The mycelium is the root-like structure of the fungal organism below the ground, and is packed with intelligence. Immune Intel AHCC® is our private label of AHCC® that we are so grateful to be providing since 2019.
AHCC® was formulated in Sapporo, Japan in 1986’s, patented by Amino up, Ltd, which remains the only source to this day.
Yes, a bunch! Research started in 1987 at Tokyo University and has been taken up and continued all over the world. There have been over 30 human clinical trials and remains the most clinically researched functional food in the world. Today there is clinical research showing positive results related to HPV, Lyme disease, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, liver disease, autoimmune disease and more! Learn more about the clinical research here.
Think of AHCC® like increasing your overall immune intelligence by increasing the immune signaling and activity of different white blood cell types like macrophages, NK cells, DC cells and T-cells. AHCC® has also shown benefits for decreasing systemic inflammation in the body by decreasing C-reactive protein (CRP) as well as regulating stress hormones like cortisol.
Over 1,000 health facilities across the world have used AHCC. Patients with compromised immune systems, cancer, HPV, liver disease, and other viral infections have successfully taken AHCC®.
As is with any new dietary supplement, one must first consider how it can interact with any medication you are currently taking. Studies have found that AHCC® is metabolized via an enzyme pathway called “P450 2D6,” which means that AHCC® can potentially interfere or interact with any medication or drug that is metabolized using the same enzyme pathway. In the case of drugs used for cancer treatment, the only main chemotherapy drugs that use the “P450 2D6” pathway are Tamoxifen and Doxorubicin. If you are taking any other medication, and are unsure about its potential interactions with AHCC®, you should consult a primary healthcare professional to determine whether or not the medication you are currently taking is metabolized using the “P450 2D6” enzyme pathway–if not, it is not likely that AHCC® will interfere with your medication.
As described above, AHCC® does not.
Typically, people with mushroom allergies are allergic to the spores of the mushroom, which are produced in the outer “fruiting body” of the mushroom. AHCC® is produced using the mycelia of the mushroom, which is internal and underground, which does not contain any of the spores that cause mushroom allergies. Many people with mushroom allergies have been able to take AHCC® successfully. If you would like further reassurance, it is always recommended that you consult a healthcare professional. You may also take a quarter of the vegicap on the tip of your tongue, and wait to see if you experience any kind of allergic reaction such as minor itching.
Yes! We and many others take Immune Intel AHCC® daily to keep our immune systems at peak intelligence.
Every woman who is trying to conceive, is pregnant, or nursing should consult with her doctor about any supplementation. However, many women at all 3 of these stages take AHCC® safely, and anecdotal evidence shows it helping with lactation, sleep, and inflammation. Ultimately, it is up to the mother to decide for herself as we cannot give medical advice to pregnant women.
Either is fine! There have been clinical studies taken with food and on empty stomach - both showed positive benefits.
Per clinical research, the recommended dose is as follows:
Generally healthy adult, no systemic issues: 1-2 grams/day (2-3 caps)
Kids under 10 yrs old: 750 mg (1 capsule)
Coming down with sickness/traveling: 3 grams/day (4 caps split am/pm)
Systemic condition like HPV, Lyme, cancer, autoimmune: 3-6 grams/day ( 4-8 caps, split up throughout the day)
There are no issues taking AHCC® long term. Some nutritional supplements have the possibility of losing their effectiveness over time. However, as studied in previous AHCC placebo-controlled scientific trials, patients who used AHCC regularly over a 10-year period had consistent and significant improvement when compared to the placebo group, which does not show any signs of AHCC® losing effectiveness.
This book for patients or practitioners wanting to dive deeper into the history, safety standards, and clinical research. I call this my AHCC® bible!
I created this free AHCC guide for anyone who would like to dive deeper into the amazing benefits of AHCC®.
Episode 45 of The Medicin Podcast is an audio deep dive into AHCC®.
Remember to type in the unique discount code at check out to save!
If you want to dive deeper into Organifi, listen to episode 22 + episode 36 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into ClearStem Skincare, listen to episode 5 + episode 71 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Organo and KING Coffee, listen to episode 6 and episode 87 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Living Libations, listen to episode 84 and episode 227 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Joovv Red Light, listen to episode 23 + episode 73 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Real Mushrooms, listen to episode 9 + episode 36 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Paleo Valley, listen to episode 35 of The Medicin Podcast.
If you want to dive deeper into Greenfield Naturals, listen to episode 80 of The Medicin Podcast.